Scientists just found a new therapy for lethal cancer

Scientists just found a new therapy for lethal cancer

Scientists just found a new therapy for lethal cancer. Cancer is a broad term that encompasses a wide range of disorders defined by the uncontrolled division of aberrant cells. This leads to the subsequent invasion and destruction of normal human tissue. The capacity of cancer to spread throughout the body is common. The second greatest … Read more

Breakthrough development: nanotechnology – a new laser for cancer

Breakthrough development: nanotechnology - a new laser for cancer

Breakthrough development: nanotechnology – a new laser for cancer. Engineered particles and molecular structures with diameters in the nano-scale range are the focus of nanotechnology. This is typically between 1 and 100 nm in at least one dimension. When nanotechnology and biotechnology are combined, a strong new platform is created that can be used for … Read more

Tired of chemotherapy? New alternative treatments for cancer emerge

Tired of chemotherapy? New alternative treatments for cancer emerge

Tired of chemotherapy- New alternative treatments for cancer emerge: An excellent way of killing cancerous cells is through chemotherapy. However, the downside to this is that this kind of therapy destroys healthy cells in the process.  These results in several side effects. Chemotherapy isn’t always required for successful treatment. However, identifying whether or not someone … Read more